Dog Waste and Our Community

It also causes problems for landscapers, maintenance people, and community management. In addition to being disgusting, if pet waste is not cleaned up on a regular basis, it can breed flies, kill grass, and transmit disease as well as possibly generate a fine to the community management company from the EPA for ground water pollution.

But since studies show that a significant number of pet owners (over 40 percent) will not pick up after their dogs, there are options to help control pet waste. If you don’t do it yourself, consider hiring an affordable pet waste cleanup service such as Pet Butler. If you do choose to hire a cleanup service as part of your cleanup efforts, we use all natural products that are safe around children and animals, the waste bags used are biodegradable, we disinfect our tools and shoes prior to and after servicing your facility, and all Pet Butlers are fully bonded and insured.

Dog feces is more than just a nuisance it can pose a serious health hazard. Why? A number of common parasites, including roundworm, are transmitted via dog feces.

Children run the greatest risk of infection because they’re prone to play in the dirt at the park or playground and then put their hands in their mouths or rub their eyes with their hands. But even a group of teens or adults playing Frisbee or touch football in an open area could be in danger. Parasitic infections can make humans extremely sick, and for pregnant women, can pose a serious harm to their unborn child.

Why Pet Waste should be cleaned from your yard – Dog Waste is not the predominant or most toxic pollutant in urban streams, but it is one of many small sources of pollution that can cumulatively have a big impact if left mismanaged. Because approximately 40 percent of homes have at least one pet, a significant volume of waste is being generated daily.

Dog Waste contains bacteria and parasites, as well as organic matter and nutrients, notably nitrogen and phosphorous.

Flies and other pest insects can also increase when Dog Waste is disposed of improperly, becoming a nuisance and adding another vector for disease transmission.

Dog Waste can degrade water quality. When Dog Waste is washed into a surface water body, such as a lake, pond, river or stream, the waste decays. This process of breaking down the organic matter in the waste uses up dissolved oxygen and releases ammonia. Low oxygen levels, increased ammonia and warm summer water temperatures can kill fish. Excess phosphorous and nitrogen added to surface waters can lead to cloudy, green water from accelerated algae and weed growth.

What can I do? Managing dog waste properly is something that everyone can do to make a difference

On a walk or at the park – Ensure you always have extra bags.
Pick up your pet’s waste every single time. Take advantage of the complimentary bags offered in dispensers at local parks. We carry a line of waste bag dispensers. If your park or community doesn’t have any, call them to suggest they keep the dispensers stocked.
Offer an extra bag to other pet owners who are without. It’s an easy, non-confrontational way to remind them to do the right thing.

Tell your friends and neighbors about the effects of pet waste on the environment. Encourage them to clean up after pets. Throw pet waste in the garbage; never wash it out into the street or into the storm drain.

At home – Remove pet waste from your yard at least once every week. Dispose of waste properly. All EPA approved landfills that accept normal household waste are built to safely contain pet waste.

Tell your friends and neighbors. A cleaner environment is good for your pets, your family and your community. Good for you!

Niki Tudge is the owner of The DogSmith. We encourage responsible pet dog ownership. Contact Niki at To buy pet waste supplies, stations and bags visit