How to Care For a Pet Chinchilla

Chinchilla’s are wonderful little creatures that almost always get referred to as another type of animal. There really aren’t a great deal of people who really know what a chinchilla is or what it does for that matter. Some people mistake them for bunnies, while others may even think they resemble a squirrel. The care of a chinchilla is not a particularly hard process, but there are a few things one must remember when caring for a chinchilla.

One of the most noticeable, and possibly the most annoying habit that chinchillas possess is the inability to control their chewing instinct. A chinchilla will literally chew almost anything, as this is its way of exploration. Some take annoyance from this habit, but it can be quite a cute thing to see when the chinchilla uses its hands to hold the object it nibbles so furiously at. This habit can be much more bearable if you keep items around that are safe for the chinchilla to chew, and present them to him purposely.Feeding a chinchilla this chewing habit, but as this process is natural for him, it cannot be totally contained.

Another care tip to remember is that chinchillas must have a dust bath on a regular basis to keep their fur healthy and protected. Dust baths must not be ignored, as they are an important heigenic maintenance procedure. Much in the same way that we fulfill our own needs for a bath, we must maintain the heigenic needs of our pet.

The socialization process is also important no matter the animal involved in the process. All pets need certain levels of social interaction to really get accustomed to their new homes. This can be done by simply holding them while they eat and letting them explore the house in a supervised manner. If you do decide to let your chinchilla venture about the house, it’s a good idea to set up barriers around the area safest for your chinchilla to explore. A playpen can work great, just remember the chinchilla’s chewing habit!

By following all of these pet chinchilla care steps you will not only have a fantastic relationship with your chinchilla you will also have a healthy pet. They really are amazing creatures and great pets to have. So make sure to treat your chinchilla properly.