Pets Really Do Die For Their Food

Advertisements for pet food try to make us believe that their kibble is full of meat, vegetables, and fats that are natural and extremely healthy for our pets. Let me ask you this. If they are so natural than why don’t we eat them? Or better yet, why don’t we just feed our natural food to our pets since it should be the same thing?

If you look up James Spratt you should find information as to how the pet food industry began around 1860. His idea was copied by others and, like so much stuff today, became increasingly more convenient and cheaper with each competing company. Advertising was put out as to why it was important to feed your pets this prepared food and how much they loved it, even though people’s pets had been doing just fine on real food.

Soon pretty much everyone was feeding their pets this kibble because they thought it was the right thing to do.

The argument that kibble offers a balanced diet while feeding homemade or raw food offers an un-balanced diet is so completely ridiculous that it baffles my mind we bought into it.

Now, let’s just say that this kibble is made of real meat, vegetables, oils, and supplements and it’s completely balanced. Once it goes through the high heat cooking process, the meat and vegetables can lose a major amount of nutrients that your pet needs to stay healthy. The oil can turn rancid and the supplements lose their kick as well. So now you’re down protein, nutrients, and essential fats. Now let’s add some fillers and preservatives and you have a balanced diet?

It’s the same for us. Processed food is obviously not as nutritious as real whole food but we don’t live on processed food one hundred percent of the time. We get our healthy vegetables, fruits, supplements and oil into us. Look at people who tend to only eat processed food. They also tend to have health problems and serious weight problems.

Of course with a home-made or raw diet some research needs to be put into it to make it completely balanced. But once you have it figured out it’s easy to prepare and, in the case of raw food, it has one hundred percent bio-available nutrients for your pet.

We would never feed our children a diet of dried up cooked ingredients so why do we figure animals can thrive on it?

Go to any holistic veterinarian who broke away from the completely conventional way of medicine and one of the first questions will be what you are feeding your pet. Then they will have recommendations of actual real food that will help your animal with whatever ailment is present.

Allergies, for example, are extremely high in pets right now and most of it has to do with food. Kibble is filled with useless fillers that are cheap and not nutritious at all. Grains, which are most common, are not needed by your pets. Have you ever seen a wolf or lion sitting down having a piece of bread? Grain is also the biggest culprit of food allergies. Corn is another big filler that is again unnecessary and unusable by your pet. When you feed kibble it’s hard to tell what specific thing the allergies could be to. Most kibble is made from ‘chicken’ or ‘beef’, I use those terms loosely. If your pet is allergic to one of those meats than you need to switch the protein source.

I worked at a health pet food store for a period of time and when someone came in with a pet allergy issue we would recommend starting backwards with their food. Meaning we would tell them to start with just meat for a week and see how that works. If the dog reacted to that meat source than it would be changed to a different meat source. If the dog then felt better a vegetable could be added, than another, then some oil and so on and so forth. This is the best way to tell what food your dog is allergic too. And believe me, in most cases it was the food. Makes sense right?

I believe that if most people knew what kibble is, the conditions it’s made in, and how it’s giving your dog just enough nutrition to keep it going, than these big pet food companies would be out of business before they could put out another eye-catching, mind-changing, advertisement.

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