Pet Care – Health and Nutrition Basics

People who own dogs and cats for pets will identify with the fact that they are more like children and need a lot of attention. Taking care of your pets is of utmost importance. Most pedigrees require a lot of care and attention. This makes a good know how of the methods of pet care and nutrition indispensable. There are various ways to ensure great health for your pets through wholesome nutrition and healthy habits.

Preparing For a New Arrival
So, a little puppy or a kitten will soon be arriving? These little ones are up and about within a few days and will try and turn everything in their reach, upside down. What you need is an effective solution to make your home kitten proof or puppy proof. Try to get soft balls, stuffed toys and other little playthings to keep them busy.

Feeding your Pets
Dog Nutrition is no rocket science but they need to be fed according to their ages. Specially formulated food is available in the market for dogs of all ages. You can also make great homemade food for your pets. Start adding adult food to your puppy’s’ diet only after six months.

Nutrition for cats is a little complex. Homemade diets may not always suit their needs. Cats belong to the family of carnivores and will want specialized diets to enable them to live longer and healthier. Good cat diets are available in the market which comprise of all the raw materials that your kitty may need. Use cat food that comes with trusted seals of approval.

Other Aspects of Dog and Cat Health: – Pets are not ornamental pieces of furniture but living beings just like us. They need to be constantly petted and cuddled. You need to interact with your pets and train them to develop some basic habits of eating and bathing. You need to shower praises on them for their good behavior and not pay attention to the bad.

Health Care and Medication
Both dogs as well as cats need regular medical attention. On way to ensure their health and keep them away from diseases is to make regular trips to the vet. Go online to any pet health website and take a look at all the diseases and their symptoms. A few diseases and minor illnesses that your doggie may suffer from are asthma, arthritis, flu, constipation, deafness, dental disorders, diarrhea, ticks and ear mites etc. Some prominent feline diseases are cat scratch fever, cherry eye, Cushing’s disease, deafness, seizures, skin allergies and ringworm.

Some of these diseases are treatable and some are not. You will need to consult your vet regularly. The process of healing will sometimes take considerable time, so you will need to be patient.

In addition to all that has been mentioned above, you will need regular updates on Dog and Cat Nutrition techniques, thus subscribing to a pet care magazine is highly recommended.

For any help on Cat health check out the info available online, these will help you learn to find the Dog health an instant go!