Treating Your Dog For Dog Skin Allergies

When your canine is suffering from dog skin allergies or some other forms of skin conditions, there Are Tell Tale signs; like scratching a particular area of their body for abnormally long periods of time. Just like us, dogs can have allergies and the only way they can provide any relief to themselves is to scratch. They do not realize that they may be making the situation worse. Now you can help them

The first thing you have to do is find the location of the allergiy symptoms. This will usually be fairly obvious by observing where your dog is scratching. However, you may have to pull back their hair to reveal rashes, dry patches, or other indicators of the problem. From this, you can determine the solution.

Fleas may be a possible culprit. If you discover flea bites or the actual pests, there are several medications available to rid them from your canine. You can also bathe you dog in anti-flea baths to reduce the amount of fleas present on their bodies.

However, if you find dry skin or rashes, you need to find the source of their allergy. Using a simple process of elimination, observe what they eat and their activities. There can be many thing that trigger allergic reactions, but it should not take long to determine the culprit. Removing the source of an allergy is usually much easier than continually treating the symptoms.

If they are having reactions to an irritant on their coat, wash it away with mild dish detergent or dog shampoo. Most of the time, this will not cure the irritation, but it will remove the source and decrease their suffering. You still should provide other sources of relief.

You may want to consider purchasing medications for your dog to alleviate the mild and moderate irritation. Many creams and sprays are available over the counter at most pet shops and some supermarkets. If the problem seems more serious, you should consult with a professional. They may prescribe stronger creams or oral medications.

Changes to your animals diet may have an impact on their allergies. Try including foods that supplement vitamins to their coat and fur. You should consider this, even if you suspect that their allergy is not related to what they are eating. Not only will this assist in clearing dry patches and rashes, it will promote a healthier coat and fur. Supplements are available at most pet stores.

There is a small chance that a dog can have life threatening reactions to conditions of this nature. If your dog has a hard time breathing, seems to be drooling uncontrollably, has any swelling (especially facial or on their paws), or has lost consciousness, you need to bring them to an emergency veterinarian immediately. Generally, life threatening reactions are caused by vaccines and medications.

Just like people, dogs can suffer from allergies. You do not want them to suffer, so there are things that you can do to alleviate their dogs condition. You just have to be able to locate and treat the effected areas.

Jennifer is a pet health specialist specializing in dog hot spots. She suggests all-natural products and solutions for dog hot spots.