Top Solutions to Stop Nail Picking
Nail picking is a common disorder seen in the teenagers. They mostly indulge in this phenomenon to cope up with their stressful life. Normally this habit goes down as the age increases and very rarely you find an adult suffering from this illness. You can easily stop this habit by putting a little amount of effort into the process. Biting nails can often lead to embarrassing situations especially when you are in a crowd. Some people over indulge in the habit and their fingers would be a terrible sight. This article will help you to stop nail picking effectively and within a short period of time.
The first and most important step to stop it is to have a mind with a strong will power. Your goal should be fixed and focus in achieving the task. Meditation, yoga and relaxation techniques are very useful to calm your mind and will help you in facing adverse situations. Face the challenges in your life which will make you stronger and bolder. It is advisable to put your mind at peace before you go to sleep by breathing exercises. Keeps your hands always engaged which will help to your concentration from your nails. You can also purchase a stress ball to stop nail picking. Whenever you feel highly tensed, play with the ball and you can find great relief.
If the habit is severe and difficult to get rid of on your own, then seek professional help to stop nail picking. Another method is by using Thum which is a bitter substance and causes nausea in people when licked or swallowed. Apply them over your nails so that you won’t feel to tear off your nails because of the bad taste which prevails in your mouth after biting the tips of your fingers. Wearing gloves will also help to stop nail picking to a certain extent even though not practical throughout the day.
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