Tips in Caring For Your Tropical Pet Fish

Caring for a tropical pet fish might be challenging but once you learn all the loops, it can be a rewarding experience. There’s a variety of tropical fish to choose from but make sure you pick the one that you can give your best care to. If you’re a newbie in this kind of hobby, choose the ones that only require low maintenance. Community fish is a good idea because it is not aggressive and will not bite. You want to keep some fish that will coexist peacefully. Also, community fish can do well in water with a pH of about 7. When you have a tropical pet fish, it’s important to keep a test kit so you can check the water parameters periodically. This will also give you an idea if water is stable and then correct it as necessary.

Do not adjust water temperature abruptly because tropical fish aren’t too keen on wide temperature ranges and usually, they do not tolerate sudden changes in their environment. Regulate the airflow rate by making use of an aerator. Ask an expert what’s the right aeration for your aquarium and your fish. When it comes to your fish’s diet, you need to feed them about 30% to 36% of protein, 10% fat, minimum amounts of carbohydrates and essential amino acids. Always read the nutritional information on the canister to make sure your tropical pet fish is getting enough nutrients. Feeding them with flakes everyday is not a good idea unless you want them to get bored and stop eating. Variety is very important in their diet. Aside from flakes, live food can also be fed as treats once in a while. Do not over feed your fish because this can be detrimental to their health. Uneaten food will sink at the tank’s bottom and it will rot which will then cause pollution.

Install correct lighting to prevent heat accumulation and excessive algae growth. Use a light that’s specifically made for aquarium use. A dimmer device is advisable to avoid startling your fish when you turn on the lights. Lastly, to keep your tank clean and to avoid ammonia poisoning, you have to change the water periodically. Small frequent water change is much better than seldom large water changes.

To know more about aquarium fish care, get detailed information here or you can go to