My Boyfriend Dumped Me – Picking Myself Back Up

My boyfriend dumped me and I’m emotionally broken. Although it may seem to have done so, the world has not come to an end. Your world has collapsed temporarily perhaps but you are not going to die because of it, even if your pride has taken a dent. You will recover but it will take time and some work on your part.

You will soon realize that you will not get very far if you drown yourself in your own misery. You have to sort things out and move on. You are going to have to work on promoting yourself as you would like others to see you, and that will not be easy but further down the line you will be grateful that you decided to make the effort.

Ask for help along the way but be wary of who you are consulting. Where you need help to get through a depression seek medical help. You are not the first person to suffer in this way after a major upset in your life so ignore the remarks of others, often well meaning but badly expressed, and work on getting over it.

Hopefully you have good friends and a family who will be there to aid you. Don’t expect them to do everything for you and follow the advice they give you. If you are always complaining and not following what they advise you to do they will soon have enough of trying to help and leave you to flounder on your own.

Start to reflect on how you see your life and try to look at problems from differing points of view. While for the present, everything you see is bad try to discover other perspectives. You must analyze your qualities and all the good points you have to offer to someone who is able to appreciate them. Never forget that there is always someone out there looking for people with qualities like yours. It is for you to go out and find them.

Take on other interests that you have to date not had the occasion to pursue. You will keep yourself occupied and learn something at the same time. You will have new topics of conversation and so be more interesting when you talk with others. All your time will be taken up with your new activities and you will have no time to dwell on what happened to you in the past.

You will find new happiness and you will be transformed as a person, and others will see you
and you will create new friendships. In the end you risk saying thank you to your ex who dumped you because he gave you the opportunity to seek new horizons.

Finally, I would like to recommend to you an excellent book entitled “The Magic of Making Up” written by T ‘Dub’ Jackson, He has a lifetime of experience helping people, throughout the world, sort their relationship problems, and his book will likely help you to solve your own.

Joe Bisley